Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Thinking About the Renaissance

Without the Renaissance period, we probably would not have all the artistic choices we do today. The time period really opened a lot of people's eyes to different ways to express themselves. The printing press allowed for thousands of people to afford reading, and in the case of the Bible, opened their eyes to what the Catholic Church was doing wrong.

Though King Henry VIII was in the right to divorce his wives, I don't think he should have had a few beheaded, or even go on a marriage spree in the first place. I wonder if Edward had made a good king if he had lived long enough to rule on his own rather than let his sisters run things. If I had been in Mary's position, I believe I would of forced the people to flee the country rather than break 5 or 10 commandments of my own religion. It would be interesting to know for sure whether Shakespeare was really the playwright we know of him as today, or if it was Queen Elizabeth.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

This is a good start. I still need the sonnet activities.